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Moorcroft Pottery

Explore a stunning range of Moorcroft pottery, jewellery and homeware at W Hamond. Quintessentially British, Moorcroft pottery was first founded by William Moocroft in 1897 when he became a designer for another porcelain firm. The skill of his art and the quality of his designs started him supplying to the likes of Liberty of London before he eventually created his own limited company. Today, Moorcroft pottery is sold worldwide to an international audience with Moorcroft vases even found within Queen Elizabeth II’s Royal collection.

At W Hamond, we have a huge selection of Moorcroft pottery and Moorcroft jewellery to choose from including limited edition vases, Whitby Abbey necklaces and Queen’s Choice pottery. Speak to our team of jewellery specialists today to help you choose from our stunning range of handmade Moorcroft pottery and the interest free finance and free next day delivery available.

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