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The British Hallmark is an iconic feature, only struck on qualifying jewellery items by one of four Assay offices in the UK.  It has been a significant part of British jewellery manufacturing since the 14th Century and remains as valued in the modern day by reputable jewellery houses. Recognising this unique addition to any finely crafted and authentic jewellery piece, at C W Sellors we are proud to introduce our Hallmark Collection, which celebrates these special marks cross a range of rings, pendants and bracelet designs.

Across our exclusive Hallmark Collection, all relevant Assay marks are specifically highlighted and enlarged to provide a distinctive focal point for the wearer to enjoy and demonstrate their passion for British jewellery design and hallmarking.

Each piece of the collectable Hallmark Collection carries the official assay marks of the year it was manufactured - 2022 (X)/2023 (Y)/2024 (Z), the makers/sponsors mark – C W Sellors (CWS), the metal standard – 9ct Gold (375) or Sterling Silver (925 & Lion) and the Assay Office – Birmingham (Anchor).


A Guide to UK Hallmarking at Birmingham Assay Office

Hallmarking Information

Complete Collection
