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Museum of Whitby Jet

First opening in 1860, W Hamond has become one of the oldest Whitby Jet manufacturers and retailers in the world. Our jewellery boutique and workshop remain in the very same spot, at the bottom of the famous Abbey steps and at the top of Whitby’s historic Church Steet, as the Original Whitby Jet Shop first opened by James Storr 150 years ago. We have become renowned as a leading innovator in the design and manufacture of Whitby Jet jewellery and with this comes a responsibility to educate the future generations in the importance of this stunning, British gemstone.

Over the years, W Hamond has acquired an unrivalled collection of antique Whitby Jet including antique jewellery, ornaments and the world’s largest piece of Whitby Jet found to date. Through the accumulation of such an impressive collection, it was decided that we would open our very own museum. The Museum of Whitby Jet was developed with the hope to exhibit the jet-black stone and educate the public in its significance.

The Museum of Whitby Jet is located in the heart of Whitby’s old town and is home to an unrivalled collection of Whitby Jet and other important historical items surrounding the Whitby Jet industry. Our collections are always changing with new pieces of antique Whitby Jet being discovered every day, meaning no two visits to the museum are ever the same.

We believe that teaching the history and heritage of one of the UK’s most famous gemstones is imperative to future generations. Therefore, we are always happy to accommodate school parties and offer exclusive access to the private library for anyone interested in learning more about this precious gemstone.

The Renovation of Wesley Hall

 In 2015, filled with excitement and apprehension, W Hamond took over the iconic Wesley Hall with the intention of restoring it to its former glory. Located in the centre of Whitby town, this monumental building has an unbreakable connection to the history and heritage of the seaside village, so it was of the upmost importance to W Hamond that it was restored properly and as closely to its original state as possible.

Despite the enormity of the project, we were determined to restore the hall to a condition where it would not need to be touched again for another hundred years. To do this, it was quickly decided that no expense would be spared, and any improvements made would be matched as closely as possible to the original aesthetics of the building. Wesley Hall is such a beautiful structure already that we couldn’t bring ourselves to replace original features with modern alternatives. Instead, any improvements would continue to compliment the rest of the building’s historic features.

Amongst several other changes to the hall, we have implemented new disabled access to the side of the building as well as a stunning spiral staircase that allows access to the upstairs library and Whitby Jet archives. As well as our Whitby Jet museum, you can also find Albert’s Restaurant housed within Wesley Hall. Surrounded by so much character, our seafood restaurant is the perfect place to indulge in the history of Whitby as well as tasty, local ingredients.

For further details on the Museum of Whitby visit www.museumofwhitbyjet.com

Telephone: 01947 667 453

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