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Jewellery Cleaning

When jewellery is cherished and worn every day, it ends up requiring a thorough clean to bring back the original, dazzling sparkle it once had. At W Hamond, as the UK’s leading jewellery manufacturer, we pride ourselves on delivering the highest quality jewellery repairs and cleaning service. Our team of highly skilled designers and craftsmen are able to asses and clean your jewellery back to its original beauty, so you can go back to wearing your favourite pieces proudly once again.

As well as being able to completely restore a damaged piece of jewellery, our team of talented jewellers are able to advise, examine and clean your jewellery to return the sparkle that it had when it was first bought new. Whilst most jewellery can be cleaned at home, often delicate pieces that have precious gemstones installed may require specialist cleaning in order to restore its natural beauty and avoid any unnecessary damage. We highly recommend getting your jewellery cleaned at least once a year so you can keep it looking new and untarnished for as long as possible.

At W Hamond, we carefully assess and carry out a variety of cleaning services to get your jewellery as clean and as beautiful as it was the day it was purchased. We also strongly recommend purchasing jewellery polishing cloths and other cleaning products to help prevent your precious jewellery pieces from tarnishing. You can purchase cleaning cloths and other cleaning products here.

For more information on our jewellery cleaning services, please contact our customer service team on 01947 603330 or by emailing info@whamond.com or by completing the form below.

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To send us your jewellery for repair, cleaning or remodelling, simply package your item up securely and post it to the below address along with a covering letter explaining the services you require. Once your jewellery has arrived with us, a member of our jewellery team will then contact you with an update regarding the progress of your cleaning or repair service.

Servicing & Repairs
W Hamonds
King Street

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