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The story of Bremont began in 2003 when brothers and co-founders Nick and Giles English became inspired by tragedy. In 1995, Nick and his father Euan were practicing flight formation for an air show when they found themselves spiralling out of control and crashing into the ground.  Sadly, Euan English was killed and Nick survived but with over 30 broken bones. With a new vigour for life, the Nick and Giles decided to build upon their family’s love of engineering and aviation and turn it into something extraordinary, creating the Bremont watch brand.

Over the years, Bremont watches have become flagbearers for exquisite British manufacture launching exclusive limited editions like the Bremont Hawking and Longitude watches alongside core collections like the Bremont Martin Baker, Bremont Supermarine and Bremont Jaguar. The British watch brand have also succeeded in creating their own line of in-house manufacture movements held within watches like the Bremont Supernova and Bremont Fury. Each of these luxury watches are developed and tested under Bremont’s H1 Timing Standard for impressive levels of precision and reliability.

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